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Arrival Table and property assignment

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I am using arrival table to create my entities inside my simulation. So I am importing a column indicating the arrival time of all my entities; inside my data I also have property associated with each entity (exam type in an ultrasound clinic). I want to use that column as well and attache the associated property to each entity created. I am not sure how to do that.

Also I want to use that property in another table and assign processing time distributions for each property (maybe defining the column as a key might help but I am not sure ).

I appreciate any help.

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Defining table relations with primary and foreign keys is the easiest way to do that. Once a table row is set to one of the tables, Simio automatically uses related rows from other tables and you can reference them just by tablename.columnname. Have a look at SimBit: Using Relational Tables.

As for creating entities, you need to set a row in a table before creating an entity, and then use associated fields from that table. For a property associated individually with each entity it is easiest to define a state for the entity and assign in after creation. Why don't you have a look at Appointment Arrivals SimBit, add the property column and go from there?

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I am using a table with two columns, first is the arrival time of the entity and the second is the property. The first column is used as the arrival times (one entity per row). In other words I should set the row for each entity which indicated the arrival time and the property. But I could not find a way to do that. I can use the first column to create the entities using "Arrival table" in the source. But then I can not make sure the specific row which was used to create that entity is assigned to it. If I know how to do that, then I know how to set the property using state definition.


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