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jzhou last won the day on January 31 2024

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About jzhou

  • Birthday 01/05/1976

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  1. I second this idea. If we can directly assign string name to a object-reference state variable, then use the object-ref state variable as the Object, it will be a lot helpful. String concat is a very good one, for example , ModelEntity go through NodeA, we define its next destination as NodeA_a ....
  2. Typical import culture "de-DE" , "en-US" , "zh-CN"
  3. Did you create an object-reference type of properties?
  4. Simio academic offering is not compatible with commercial offering. There is no way to convert the model to be workable in commercial version by the end-user.
  5. You are not able to use an index to return an item in a List. I would suggest using a Table instead of a List
  6. I don't see the DefaulteEntity has assigned any Sequence?
  7. Without seeing the model, it is hard to give advice...
  8. kindly refer to the attached model. cheers Model_recordbatchmembersAttributetoParentObject.spfx
  9. Does this meet your requirement? Attached (Kindly note I use sprint 15.252 for modeling). Best regards Model_Revised.spfx
  10. Thank you Dear Devdatta
  11. You can use third-party curve-fitting software Stat::Fit and ExpertFit, both support Simio , you need to use latest version of them.
  12. You may need to create a addon which can automate the copy your data into experimentation grid. Easiest way is to select your excel data and Ctrl-C, and select the experimentation grid (same area size) ,and Ctrl-V.
  13. @River Maybe you can use a Timer element and set its Interval type to Arrival Table and use Timer's event to trigger a Process, within this process, you can do anything you want use process steps.
  14. Maybe Juntar_secos.ParentInputBuffer.Contents.FirstItem.ModelEntity.Cant_bultos_secos ??
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