FullGate version 17 (both side take off).spfx
We encounter few problems:
1. Why the plane( entities) only go to one side for waiting to take off but not both side used?
2. Any fomular can i add into the simio? The plane will choose which path to go on the taxiway. Such as the plane on the Node 82 if the taxiway A(path 179) had 3 plane waiting but taxiway B (Path 160) had 1 plane waiting, than the plane will choose taxiway B to wait for take off.
30 Departure.xlsx
Many thanks! I just imported less data from the gate table, but we have a lot of gates that did not have flight, how can we stop the creation and generation on the gate that it don't have flight?
We used your method before and it WORK!!
But we keep changing and modifying our simulation. Today we imported a new data again but still have the same issue... we followed your method already...
20230401 FullGate version 13.spfx
Thank you,
In our simulation, the plane is used simio "apply symbol" function, so the plant was not draw by us..... so we hardly control what we want
What if we change the path to Conveyors? How can we make it?
Thank you
We follow your method by importing the about 1000 data from excel using Key and Foreign Key. But the simulation is wrong that the all aircraft depart their gate once in different time but not individually according to date and time that we import.
Maybe it is a large file to you that over 200 item for u to run, but can you help me find what's wrong with it?
20230315 FullGate version 4.spfx
We are simulating the aircraft will leaving the gate according to our real data history.
How can i import the table in simio and let the aircraft leave the gate accouring to the time and date?
Also some gate will have more than one different time and date that aircraft will departure the gate. How can i do it as well?
How can I set a safety distance between with other entity .
e.g. Transfer Node 79 entity is will impact with others, how can I set a safety distance on every entity?
I have a table that allowcate 5 gates will have different entity will launch in specify date and time. How can i do it ?
We are designing a airport simulate aircraft departure its gate.
Many Thx for your help.
We have another problem :
As we want to be more realistic, we have the data from Hong Kong.
How can we input those data (such as departure Gate time) into the simio to let the enttity will departure as schedual ?
We already have atleast one month data, can you show us how to make the entity dearture as the time we set accordingly?
I am doing a Final Year Project with Simio. Our topic is discusing the taxiway routing problem to enhance aircraft congustion in the taxiway.
Our group are the new to use simio, when we want to do some simulation on the taxiway, we dont know how to increse the same distence between different space of the entity(ie. airplane) in the path(ie. Taxiway).
Also how to make the entity stay in the path while waiting the privious plane leave the runway?
We would like to do the silulation like this video https://www.simio.com/applications/airports-and-airlines-simulation-software/ 1:08-1:30
Any one can help us?