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Saving SIMIO experiments automatically while they run.


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I have been running very large experiments that take a few days to run. Murphy's law seems to interfere through either power outages or automatic updates which can cost me a couple of days of computer time. So I found some code using autohotkey and modified it to work great with SIMIO. autohotkey is a free download and easy to use. The below code runs a loop which hits {control S} on the SIMIO window if it is open every 10 minutes.


;run a loop 100 times saving every ten minutes if your SIMIO file is open.

loop, 100


;save file every 10 minutes

MsgBox, Iteration number is %A_Index%.

setTimer, AutoSave, 6000000,on


IfWinActive, ;name_of_simio_file_without_spfx_extension

Send {Blind}^s




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