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Transporting flow using Vehicles

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Hi all,

I have been struggling with this problem for a while now. I have vehicles that pick up water from a tank and then take it to a number of smaller tanks. I looked at a simbit (“Pick up and drop off flow”) where entities are used to transport flow between containers. Now I have tried to do this by creating a new transport class but I couldn’t get it working. I need vehicles to do this (and not entities) because they have to travel to drop off the flow at a certain station and then they have to park and wait until they have to travel again. So I’m probably going to assign some sort of route logic to the vehicles. I don’t know if there is a way in which you could manipulate an entity’s process logic to do exactly that. Any help will be appreciated. I attached a basic model if someone is willing to play around with it. Thanks allot!




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I almost always simulate this using fillers/extractors from the extended flow library rather than directly filling a container on a vehicle/entity.

It sounds like you could do this with entities or vehicles as long as your decision making for entities is as simple as you describe.

If you do it with entities, you will have to write a bit of decision logic to the entity. I would recommend doing this on the 'onVisitNode' process, which would basically be a decision of 'Should I park now?'... true being to park and then wait for some event (wake him up), false being to keep on towards the destination.

If you do it with vehicles, you will need to make some sort of decision request for the vehicle to go to the relevant node for pick-up. Normally this is done by an entity at a transfer node using the 'ride' step. However, riding a vehicle is about transferring into the ride station, not filling a container.... I foresee many pitfalls with this methodology!

I might have time to take a crack at this later -- no promises though.

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Just a tip...You don't need so many tanks...

Tanks are independent and will only be needed if you want to see the animated flow...

Thus only one tank per pickup point is needed....

Also, You HAVE to use monitor else you will see your ... due to rounding....It does not always hit the Above Low Mark Function....

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My e-mail is 15992012@sun.ac.za - if you could send me that process logic it would be great! Thanks for all your trouble!


Thanks for attaching the model I'm going to look at it now. Thank you for all your trouble as well!



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