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References errors and bugs


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I'm getting this error when I sometimes unload and reload some libraries into the same project:




This library in particular has an entity defined and now after load he says that... The entity is called "Encomenda" and its instance is "OPA001.161" in that particular screenshot.


This happens ALOT with Simio, it messes up the project's references and there's no way to solve this. Ofcorse I've tried replacing all Encomenda's instances with new ones based on the new library I've loaded, but nothing changes, it is broken really bad.... What now? Do I need to start the project over? This happens alot with Simio....




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If you are using Sprint 86 or later, you can hold down Shift and then click on the Object References... menu item in your model to open the references dialog in a mode that allows you the change the versions it thinks it has. If you do that in your model, and change the "13" to "1" and then do a Check for Updates, it should update to version 12.

Note that if you have references to Encomenda in *other* library objects, they ALL need to agree on what version you are using.

So let's say:

- Encomenda version 1 is used in object A version 1

- Object A version 1 is used in your model

- Encomenda version 1 is used in your model

Let's say you then make changes to make Encomenda go to version 2. If you then run updates, and *just* pick to update Encomenda (assuming Ecomenda and A were in the same library, both should have gotten versioned up when Encomenda changed), the model will be using version 2, but the A inside it will still be using version 1. When the model tries to pass an Encomenda version 2 to one of it's A instances, you will have a message like you got here.

Do you know if your Encomenda object is used (or referenced via an expression) in other objects? If so, are they in the same project as Encomenda?

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Do you know if your Encomenda object is used (or referenced via an expression) in other objects? If so, are they in the same project as Encomenda?

Yes it is. But not in the same project, they're included as a library.

So in a project I have Encomenda and a Model that has expression refering that Ecomenda. Then I have a greater model where I include this "Encomenda and a Model" as a library.

Can I reference an object in an expression that doesn't exist in the project but will later be included in the model where this one will also be included?


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In general yes, you just have to be careful to make sure you opt-in for all the object updates. So, for example, the Encomenda used in your "greater model" will match the version referenced by the model in the same project as Encomenda, which is also used in the "greater model".

If you are doing the updates but still having issues, there may be some corner case we may not be handling correctly, in which case I would send the model and the instructions of what your standard update path is to support@simio.com

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