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Best way to verify Simbit solutions

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Hello. Under my M.Sc thesis i´m building a catalog of Simbits to address several characteristics of organizational/information-based business processes/workflows that can be difficult to represent in a simulation model.

One of the issues that arose was how to verify the Simbits, i.e, how to prove that the solution really does what i mention it does. For example, one common situation in workflow management systems is the ability of a human resource to redo some work-item (activity/task instance) after its completion. The technical approach in Simio involved a Server object to represent a given task and a Worker object to represent the human resource. The worker has a probability of redo entities at that Server. Therefore, my question is: What is the best approach to show that this solution really works? Using the animation capabilities of Simio with Plots, Pies, Status Labels? Using for example Tally Statistics to record how many times the Worker redone the task during simulation time? Using Experiments maybe?

I´m open to read your suggestions.

PS: After completing my work i would like to contribute with my Simbits. What i need to do?

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Your project sounds interesting and valuable. It would be great to have your SimBits. See SimBit creation guidelines here: http://www.simio.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=1419

In terms of verification, that must certainly be done. Since you are attempting to help educate others you have several burdens to prove:

1) That the problem is real and significant

2) That your solution actually provides a correct solution to the problem, and

3) That you have illustrated a good (ideally the best) solution to the problem.

The actual verification/validation process is too involved to discuss here - I suggest that you consult any good simulation textbook (Simio & Simulation by Kelton, Smith, Sturrock is my obvious recommendation :lol:.)

But in general, all that is done outside of the SimBit. Due to the size and clarity goals of SimBits, they must be kept as small and simple as possible, so only items needed to explain and illustrate the ideas should be included.

I look forward to seeing your submissions. If you can get us anything before October 1, 2013 you might even see it in the version 6 major release and get Bragging Rights that might even help with your thesis. :D

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Hi again. My answers are in blue.


Your project sounds interesting and valuable. It would be great to have your SimBits. See SimBit creation guidelines here: http://www.simio.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=1419

In terms of verification, that must certainly be done. Since you are attempting to help educate others you have several burdens to prove:

1) That the problem is real and significant

Regarding this point, i can assure that the problem is real and significant. I've conducted a literature review and found out empirical evidence of several limitations of business process simulation that compromise its relevance. For example, the modeling of human behavior in business processes is somehow naive. Thus, i decided to build a catalog of patterns having as primary source, the Workflow Pattern Initiative (i have other sources but if you know others, let me know please) which contains a catalog of recurrent aspects of workflows (control-flow, data, resource task allocation aspects, etc.) candidate to represent in a simulation model.

2) That your solution actually provides a correct solution to the problem, and

The Simbits enter here. I´m creating one for each identified pattern.

3) That you have illustrated a good (ideally the best) solution to the problem.

Well, i'm creating the best as possible simbit for each problem. I'm still thinking on the best pattern description format but it will include a pros and cons section to discuss positive and negative tradeoffs.

The actual verification/validation process is too involved to discuss here - I suggest that you consult any good simulation textbook (Simio & Simulation by Kelton, Smith, Sturrock is my obvious recommendation :lol:.)

I have the book :D. I think i will use the animation capabilities of Simio to prove that the solutions are correct.

But in general, all that is done outside of the SimBit. Due to the size and clarity goals of SimBits, they must be kept as small and simple as possible, so only items needed to explain and illustrate the ideas should be included.

Im following the guidelines and i'm using them to justify the solution's requirements.

I look forward to seeing your submissions. If you can get us anything before October 1, 2013 you might even see it in the version 6 major release and get Bragging Rights that might even help with your thesis. :D

Well, my deadline is October 31, 2013. I think i'll have the full catalog by Mid-September. How you will evaluate the catalog's relevance?

If you have any suggestions i'm open to read them :)

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Well, my deadline is October 31, 2013. I think i'll have the full catalog by Mid-September. How you will evaluate the catalog's relevance?

If you have any suggestions i'm open to read them.

Email me directly and I'll be glad to provide feedback, perhaps even some modeling advice if desired.

Or you might post it here and also get feedback from others who might have interest in your work.

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Well, my deadline is October 31, 2013. I think i'll have the full catalog by Mid-September. How you will evaluate the catalog's relevance?

If you have any suggestions i'm open to read them.

Email me directly and I'll be glad to provide feedback, perhaps even some modeling advice if desired.

Or you might post it here and also get feedback from others who might have interest in your work.


Agreed, many thanks. :)

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