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Using a TransferNode sub-class


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In a logistics network, I have three different sink nodes. Entities choose one of those sink nodes depending on their attribute value. I haved used a sub-class of TransferNode object in order to add a user defined real state variable to the nodes. The user defined state variables of the sink nodes are given numbers from 1 to 3 at the beginning of the run. Then, at a previous node, I use SetNode step with condition in order to choose one of the sink nodes/destinations. The condition is Candidate.MyTransferNode.UserDefinedStateVariable==ModelEntity.AttributeValue. Thus, if the entity's attribute value is 1, it will go to the node which has the state variable value of 1. I tried it out with a small model, it works fine. However, in my actual model, I get the error attached below, even though all the transfer nodes in the model are converted to type MyTransferNode.

Do you have any ideas why this has occured?

Thank you,



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