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Search Step Problem - again.....


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Hi All

I have a recurring problem that I don't seem to be able to get to the bottom of. I think it revolves around the creation of a second token in the Search Step when found. I have a situation where I need to search multiple queues and depending on the outcome, transfer an entity from one queue to another queue. Irritatingly, the error is intermittent as the process will work sometimes but not for others. I'm guessing there is some kind of Race condition occurring but my understanding of Tokens is still a work in progress! I have been wrestling with this error for a while now and would greatly appreciate any advice. I have attached as much info as possible which hopefully explains the issue.





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What appears to be happening is that both the original token leaving the Original segment and the new token, leaving the Found segment, are both associated with the same Entity and therefore the Transfer Steps are trying to transfer the same entity. This is shown in the Trace when it says which entity it is trying to transfer. Therefore, when the second Transfer step attempts the transfer, it says that it cannot transfer because the entity is already in the middle of being transferred. It is difficult to determine why the process logic is having both tokens transfer the same entity, but the first thing I would suggest that you check is whether or not the Search step is finding the correct entity during it's search. Or if you are using the Entity Type property of the Transfer Step to transfer a specific entity, you might look to make sure you are transferring the correct entity.

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Ok thanks. What I would like the search to do is match the entity's property 'orderlineID' to those in the station or queue. The entity is called 'puck'. The objective of this part of the model is to fulfil orders of 6 pucks by Transferring them from various locations once the order ID's have been found - it's a collation device really. I've used the following for the match and it seems to work sometimes: Puck.OrderLineID==Candidate.Puck.OrderlineID which I'm hoping is correct.

I'd be grateful if you could take a look at the attached to see if I've used the step properly and the syntax looks right.



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