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Dynamically building a logistics network


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This is a Simio model of a logistics network where experiments are run with different number of facilities. I am trying to automate the model building (building the network) For instance, the users will specify the scenarios (experiments) with the desired quantity of facilities and the models will be built according to that information. I am guessing there is a way to dynamically create objects (nodes in this case), but linking those nodes and specifying the distances is challenging. Besides, when the number of facilities increase, the previous locations change as well. Therefore, the distances between the nodes change depending on the number of facilities the user specifies. I tried to set a reference property to the logical distance of the path object, but it is not allowed in Simio.

I also considered using free space, but in that case, the objects in the model has to be located in specific places according to the physical appearance of the network. I thought of this as a significant disadvantage.

Can this process be automated using SimioAPI extensions in Visual Studio?

What type of approach would you suggest? Thank you.


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