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Shortest Path Outbound Link Rule and Time Paths

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I'm working on a model with multiple paths and I'm using time paths to move entities. I recently noticed that the "Shortest Path" Outbound Link Rule doesn't work with time paths since it looks at the size of the path (as in, the length of the drawn segment) instead of the time it takes to travel the path.

Is there any way to have a transfer node choose the time path with the shortest travel time?


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Yes, there are several ways you could approach this.

  • You can use a process to search the links or
  • Maybe put all the possible destinations on a list and select the destination based on the link or
  • Maybe use a clever link weight expression?

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That works when I only have one node to make choices, but I'm trying to make a big network where I tell each entity their destiny when they're created (via a Set Node module). When I do this, it seems Simio chooses a path that minimizes distance, but taking the distance of the time paths as the length of the drawn segments...

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