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Randomly visit every node only once


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I want to randomly send one entity to 3 diferent nodes, but each entity can only visit each node once.

I.e., Entity 1 will travel 'Source -> NodeA -> NodeB ->NodeC -> Sink' and entity 2 will travel 'Source -> NodeB -> NodeA ->NodeC -> Sink' and so on.

Right now I'm using Routing by sequence, but it only verifies the rule to visit every node but not randomly... So the last nodes from the list are becoming the bottleneck when they are not.

I could also create individual sequence tables for each possibility, but in my model I Need around 1000 diferent routes so that's not a good Option.

Any idea?


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This example works really fine but one Detail is missing. I'm working with free space and I can't send the entities to the sink.

They will just stay at the last Server Output buffer waiting.

So I created a process that runs 'on exited' in each Server. A decide step checks if 'ModelEntity.Server1Processed + ModelEntity.Server2Processed + ModelEntity.Server3Processed' == 3' and if it is true, should send the entity to the Input node of the sink.

The Problem is that the entity still stays in the last Server Output. If on the decide step I define '... == 2' it goes directly from the second processed Server to the sink.

Any idea?

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Because of spammers, we don't allow files to be posted to this public forum. You should really move this discussion to the Simio Insiders part of the forum.

I have the same SimBit redone using a FreeSpace approach - I'll try to email it to you.

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