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Server Occupancy for each day


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Hello Everyone,

I am trying to model hospital inpatient units. Each unit I utilize a server object and give it a capacity based on the number of beds in that unit. I want to know how I can track the number of beds occupied in each unit for each day (I am trying to model 2 weeks). I need to figure this out in order to schedule staff for those units based on (bed occupied to nurse) ratios. Any help with this would be much appreciated. Thank You!



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Sumanth -

You have quite a few different ways to go about collecting these interval based statistics, the first few that come to mind include:

  • (With Enterprise Edition) setup a daily timer and trigger a process to write the statistic to a output table, then reset the statistic
  • Setup a tally statistic and a daily timer and trigger a process to tally the statistic, then reset the original statistic
  • Setup a array and a daily timer and trigger a process to capture the statistic in the array, then reset the original statistic


As you can see, in all cases have some statistic that can be cleared on the interval after capturing its data in either a output table, tally statistic or array. Let us know if we can be of any help with your healthcare model -- we've done quite a few of these with various levels of detail depending on the question at hand.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Martin,

Thank you so much for your help! It worked Brilliantly. I have another question, I want to incorporate patient daily arrivals to the ED. I have daily totals, but I want them to follow a pattern (eg. at midnight the arrival is much less than during noon). I am trying to include future forecasts (my forecasts are daily forecasts and not hourly) and this is why I need to somehow input daily numbers into rate table but also make it follow the pattern. Would really appreciate help with this! Thank You!

Best regards,


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