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Process time depending on entity count


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Hello! I am modeling a wash station that takes 30 minutes for the first piece, and an additional 5 for each piece after that(so a batch of 3 would take 40 minutes, a batch of 6 would take 55 minutes, and so on) but I'm having some trouble putting this into a processing time. The added problem is that the number of entities changes. Currently I'm using a source that produces one "shipment" a day with "Entities per arrival" set as "random.triangular(3,13,19)" which is working fine for my quantity, but I don't know how to relate that into the processing time of the next workstation.


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Hi Kaylinn,

I built a simple model which I believe does what you need. It might not be the most elegant way to do it but it's pretty simple. I created two state variables (BatchQuantity and PreviousCumulativeQuantity) which dictate the processing time of the server. However, you would need to post your question in the Simio Insiders forum because it's impossible to attach files in here to prevent spam!

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