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SQL Server Express Connection Properties


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If you are binding a table to SQL Server Express, use the following connection properties

If using SQL Server Security, you can specify the server name, database name, user id and password in the fields that are provided.




If using Windows security, use a custom connection string. In the connection string, specify the server (e.g. Server=.\SQLExpress), database (e.g. Database=MESDB) and Trusted_Connection=True



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  • 1 year later...

hi Glenn,

I am having a trouble with Connection String. I use MS-SQL Server and I define my connection string as

" Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=db_projectReport; User Id=sa; Password=aaa "

Since I did not get the whole definitions of Simbit DBReadWrite example's connection string which is "Server=localhost; Port=3306; Database=world; Uid=root; Pwd=root" , I do not know exactly what I need to define in my Connection String. Maybe I need to install something similar "MySQL connector" to make a connection between Simio and MS-SQL Server.

My error is

"A runtime error was detected at time 0.0 hours.

Item: DbConnect1

Exception trying to open database connection. Message: 'Cannot open database "db_projectReport" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'sa'.' "

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Was there a resolution to this issue. I started trying to set a connection with SQL server and I get a similar error, with ending part of the error stating:

" ....Message : Unknown connection option in connection string: server"

Not sure exactly what this means as I use tested the exact same connection string by binding an input table within Simio to SQL server and the connection works fine. The issue is only present when I try to use the "DBConnect element".

Please advise.


Fernando L. Martinez

Boeing Research and Technology

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  • 2 years later...
On 12/1/2017 at 10:45 AM, fernandolmartinez said:



Was there a resolution to this issue. I started trying to set a connection with SQL server and I get a similar error, with ending part of the error stating:


" ....Message : Unknown connection option in connection string: server"


Not sure exactly what this means as I use tested the exact same connection string by binding an input table within Simio to SQL server and the connection works fine. The issue is only present when I try to use the "DBConnect element".


Please advise.




Fernando L. Martinez

Boeing Research and Technology



I'm curious as to whether you and Glenn ever resolved these issues... It's been over 3 years at this point. 

For what it's worth, I searched for MS-SQL connection string and found this site with various examples: https://www.connectionstrings.com/sql-server/

I'm assuming and hopeful that you did resolve your issue. Thus, I want to ask some follow up questions.  Once you connected, how did you did you pull data from your database--did you use an add-on process or did you import it into a table?  If you used a table, how did you construct our SQL query?


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