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Vehicles Dropping-off at Entity-defined Destination


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I have a situation where I have entities at a single source that are transferred to their destination by a vehicle. Each vehicle delivers 1 entity per trip. The destination is dictated by the entity's state variable ModelEntity.DropOff (if=1, then drop off at server 1, if=2, drop off at server 2, etc..). The vehicle path is the same for all vehicles (pick-up, then server 1, then server 2, etc.... return home) until they drop off their entity. Once they drop off their entity, they immediately return home to pick up another entity. With support's help, I have the model working fine except for the drop-off part (right now vehicles pick-up an entity, follow a nodelist, and dropoff entities at random destinations in the nodelist, and return home to pick up another) . I cannot figure out how to tell a vehicle to drop off a particular entity at a particular destination based on the attributes of the riding entity.

Any help would be appreciated.



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It sounds like the problem is you are not using the internal state that Simio uses to hold the current destination. You have not attached your model or included any logic, but I would say you should consider eliminating your custom state ModelEntity.DropOff and use whatever logic you used to set that to instead set the internal state using the SetNode step or the Entity Destination Type option on any Transfer Node. If you use that, then it will automatically be dropped off at the specified destination node.

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