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Processing Time Varying with Model Entity

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Hi. I´m having a very basic doubt about processing times. I have two products which one with a different processing time that varies from server to server, so when the model entity arrives at one specific server, i need to "read" what kind of product is passing and what´s the server in use from a table. I believe that´s an easy problem, but a can´t figure out how to do it.


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First of all, thank you for the help. I already try the possibilities that you reffer but i still have the problem. Basically, i have a source that can produce productA and productB connected to 2 servers at the same time (paralell servers). In a table a have a columm that identifies the product followed by one that identifies all the servers in use and another one for the processing time. Basically i need for each server (in the processing time information) to read the type of product that´s entering and then see the current server, but i can´t get the correct value. The server reference in the table is well associated to the server in use, but the expression used is random, i mean it is not getting the value of the true produc but instead is getting the possible lower value. How can i say to each server that the procesing time row is the one that have, let´s say, server 1 and productA?

Sorry for bothering and once again thank you.

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I don't fully understand your problem (attaching a model might help), but in addition to using the tables, you might also use a math expression something like this:

Math.If(Is.ProductA, MyTable[serverRow].TimeToProcessA, MyTable[serverRow].TimeToProcessB) where ServerRow contains the row number in the table for that server. And the two columns contain the processing time for that product.

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