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Interrupting multiple workers and servers while off shift

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Hi All,

I have a question regarding a maintenance workshop that consist of 11 workers who are used as resources for 4 servers. The worker keeps on working while he is off shift. I tried the simbits; Worker Uses Work Schedule Interrupt Working Off Shift and Resource States When Off Shift. These work with one worker. However, i get the following error when I try to add more workers.

Entity: Defaultentity.94

A runtime error was detected at time 11,0 hours at the following process step:

Object: Model

Process: Resourceoffshift1

Token: Mytoken1.46

Step: [Release] Release1

Property: ResourceReleases.NumberOfObjects

Error releasing resources of type specific 'Worker1[1]' owned by object 'Defaultentity.94'.

Unable to release '1' object(s) of the resource type because the number of individual resources owned and satisfying the specified release criteria is only '0'.

Does anyone know how I can get my workers to stop working while they are of shift? I've added my model to this post. Thanks!!

Roeland van Rijssel


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Thank you for your reaction. However, I think you've uploaded the wrong model (combustormodel).

I think I found the problem though. It seems that when you want to interupt the workers from working when they go off shift, this can only be done when the server capacity is set to 1. Does anybody know why this is and how I can allow multiple workers to work at a station, but still make them stop working when they go off shift?

Kind regards,


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It's awful, many simio models around!... sorry for this inconvenience... here is the right model...

Related with your recent question, you should use "other resource seizes" under secondary resources of each server object. You can set the either "number of objects" or "units of objects" under advanced options which is appropriate for your purpose. Just have a look at these options. You should note that if you give these numbers as referenced properties you should use the same referenced property at the "release" step when the worker goes off shift. As far as I understand, according to your model you should use integer standard referenced properties at "units of objects" (i.e., the number of capacity units to be seized), use the same one at release step. Hope that works for you...


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