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More resource, server capacity should double

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This topic was posted on public discussions and was replied by Dave Sturrock.

I am trying to set up a model with server and workers and increase the capacity by adding more resource. I added Data Schedule where I can set the Value to 1 or 2 (workers) but this does not impact the capacity. Please find attached the model.



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In server 1 you have indicated that you have 2 workers available and you need both of them available for the 2 minute processing time.

In server 2 you have indicated that you have 1 worker available and you want it available for the 2 minute processing time.

You would expect statistically identical throughput.

Perhaps what you meant is that when you have two workers available that work would proceed in half the time. If so, the processing time should be indicated as 1.

Or perhaps you don't even need the workers -- if you just change the server capacity via a schedule you will see the throughput automatically change accordingly.

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