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Data on individual entities

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Hi all!

I have built a model, but in order to verify the model behavior I want to get data on individual entities.

In my model there are 4 types of entities, of which approximately 1300 are created in total. I would like to get data on these 1300 entities in order to compare it with the real system data.

Does anybody know how to get data of the individual entities? Thank you!

Kind regards,


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It depends on what type of data you are referring to - for example, some statistics, such as time in system for the various entity types, can be found automatically within the pivot grid, under the Object Type of ModelEntity and the various Object Names (Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4). These statistics would include the Number in System, Time in System (Flowtime), Throughput (NumberCreated and NumberDestroyed) - all by type of entity. Additionally, statistics are generated on the Paths (number and flowtimes on links), as well as at Servers and other fixed objects (number processing, number/time in inputbuffers).

For more specific entity statistics at various areas within the system, you could use the Write step (under User Defined steps) to write out specific entity data to a file by using this step in the Processes window at any point(s) in the process.

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