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Change the state of entities while on a transporter


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Is it possible to change the state of just the entities while they are on a transporter?

Because now i get an error when I put an add-on process to change the state of the entities going throug the node because simio tries to change the state of the transporter too.

Thanks for the help, would really appreciate it!

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To change the states of Entities riding on a Transporter, use a Search step to find the Entities then use the Assigns the on the found branch. Use the following settings on the Search step: Collection Type - 'QueueState', Queue State Name - 'Vehicle.RideStation.Contents', and Limit - 'Infinity'.

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Or, if you only want to change the first entity, you can go directly to it and change it without any process steps.

As an example, in the attached model I change the picture of the entity riding a vehicle when it enters TransferNode1. Note that the condition is required to prevent trying to change the picture when the vehicle goes back through the node without an entity.



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