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Moving server like Excavator problem


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Is it possible to have a server that can Move along a line while processing ?

Basically I want to have an excavator using the dump trucks so I was thinking of making the excavator as a server that can process and move as well.

Or is there a better way to do that ?

This has already been done in Simio long time ago and I am trying to do almost the same process, so if it is possible to have this Simbit or saved model etc. to understand ?

Thanks a lot

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Try the RelocateObject step (found under User Defined Steps). You can use this in some situations, but it doesn't work in all situations - notably if there are any links involved. So it can only be used with Free Space movement.

New RelocateObject Step

Within the User Defined steps, we have added a RelocateObject step. This step may be used to instantaneously change the location of an object, including fixed objects and unconnected nodes, at runtime. When relocating or moving a fixed object, such as a Server or Workstation, the Include Associated Nodes property set to 'True' will move the object location (and animation) as well as nodes that are attached to the object.

Note that attempting to change the location of a Link or a Node with attached Links will result in a runtime error.

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The good news is that we still have that model and it still works. The bad news is that we (Simio) did not create this model and I'm not sure if we have permission to distribute it. And unfortunately, I personally don't recall who shared that model with us.Perhaps the organization that created Opencast Mining Example will volunteer to share that model or even their latest work.

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hmmm thats a bad news but I hope they read this and are able to share some basic model.

1) I have guessed from similar videos that they are using Excavator as a Fixed location server that digs and fill Dump trucks that are normal entities coming from source.

2) if I want to use Vehicles instead of entities to monitor utilization/behavior/speed etc of each vehicle individually, How will the server process them ? My understanding is that server can only process entities not Vehicles.

3) Or please suggest me another way to simulate an Excavator loading other vehicles (Dump Trucks)


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