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want to make a model where the entities visit same server two times ,but each time their processing time and destination is different. I tried using sequence tables,but it does not work. Would really appreciate if someone could help me with this..


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First of all, you will need a Sequence Table (Definitions tab / Tables window) - select Add Sequence Table. In the Sequence column, you would list the order of servers/locations the entities will travel - for example, Input@Server1, Input@Server2, Input@Server1, Input@Sink would cause the entity to visit Server1 twice. Next, in the same table, add an Expression type of column where you will store the processing time information at each corresponding step. This way, the processing time at Input@Server1 may be different with each step (and visit to the same server).

Within the ModelEntity, set the Initial Sequence property to the sequence table name. Within each transfer node (exit of the Source and Servers), change the Entity Destination Type to 'By Sequence'. Processing Time at each Server should then reference the 'SequenceTable.ProcessingTimeColumn'.

See several of the SimBits that contain sequences, including EntityFollowsSeqeunceWithTable.spfx.

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