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One workstation/server with several 5 different processes


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Hi everyone,

I have following issue:

People arrive at a station (either server or workstation, I'm not sure about which to choose for my model) and stay at this station (person is not moving until all of the following 5 steps are completed).

Afterwards following steps appear:

1. worker (A) is doing a process step at the person

2. Another (different) worker (B) is doing a process step at the person

3. The person is doing a "process step" by his own

4. Worker (B) is doing another process step

5. Worker (A) is doing another process step

Afterwards the person leaves the station.

Could anybody help me with modelling this?

Do I have to use a server or a workstation?

Do I have to subclass an object?

And how in all to modell this.

Thank you!

Best wishes

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You can do that with the Task Sequences within our Server object. You can also find more examples of using Task Sequences using the SimBits search.

First, place a Server and change the Process Type to ‘Task Sequence’ and enter the Processing Tasks repeating property editor.


our processing steps would be similar to those you specified:

Task 1 – specify the Processing Time and under Resource Requirements, indicate that you need WorkerA

Task 2- specify the Processing Time and under Resource Requirements, indicate that you need WorkerB

Task 3 – specify the Processing Time

…. and so on

These tasks will all be performed before the entity leaves the Server.

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  • 2 years later...

One option would be to put the 2 (or more) workers in a 'List' of workers and simply select from that list, and use the Number of Objects property (under Advanced Options) set to 2 (or the number of workers in the list that are needed. Workers can be placed on multiple lists.

Another option would be a more complex table based approach. See the UsingRelationalTablesToDefineTaskResourceLists SimBit for an example. 

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