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Access a property of a next entity on a link


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I want to access a property of a next entity on a link.

For example, in Simbit "Checking Next Entity Ahead On Link", I want a speed of the next entity behind the current entity on a link. I refer to the behind entity and try to access other properties e.g. "NextEntityBehindOnLink.DesiredSpeed". However, it does not work.

How should i do to solve this problem?

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I think the problem was not in the actual expression you used, but HOW you were using it. If you use that expression when there is no following entity it will give an error. But I added this expression to that floor label in that same SimBit and it worked fine because I don't evaluate it when it is invalid.


and followed by {NextEntityBehindOnLink} at speed {Math.If(NextEntityBehindOnLink==Nothing,0,NextEntityBehindOnLink.DesiredSpeed)}
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