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Vehicles idle time?

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I wanted to simulate a short transport form Source to Sink - to analyze waiting times resulting from queues

(with 4 vehicles in Scenario1 and 5 vehicles in Scenario2).

In Output@Source1 I set "Initial traveler capacity" to 1 - to ensure that only 1 vehicle can be loaded in a given moment and that the rest must wait (and animation of process looks alright).

However in results pivot, almost 100% of vehicles time is transport time and almost none is idle time (even though vehicles spend significant amount of time waiting for their turn at Source).

Could you tell me what did I do wrong and how to measure idle time correctly?


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I changed colors to make it more visible.

Loading time is set to 3.

For example - when I run the simulation and look at first, red car:

When it loads for the first time it spends at source 3 seconds (from second 0 to second 3 looking at timer)

When it enters the source for the second time it spends there app. 10 seconds (from second 9 to second 19).

It is because it has to wait for other vehicles that are being loaded (in Output@Source1 I set "Initial traveler capacity" to 1 - to ensure that only 1 vehicle can be loaded in a given moment).

I thought that above waiting time will be visible as idle time in pivot results (vehicle is waiting in queue, not loading, not transporting) - however in results pivot there is alost none idle time (for the red car 100% of time is transporting time, for others more than 99% time is transporting time).

Am I analysing it wrong? What can I change to to measure queuing time correctly?

Model v2.spfx

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The thing is that once its allocated to an entity it starts beeing used (marked as busy), You can use the method of reservation: first available at location, that way, the transporter goes to its home, but it is not used until it arrives to the node and there is an entity to be served. I'm attaching an idea of that, hope its what you need.

Model v3.spfx

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