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Assigning the server a new symbol after the processing is finished


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Hi guys

I am new user of SIMIO software, and I am facing some difficulties. Could anyone help me please?

I have a server receiving entities from a source.

By default, server has 10 types of symbols (starved 0, processing 1… Etc.) .

My question: Is it possible to keep the server with the symbol of processing (which is usually green box) after finishing the process ??

Thank you

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The symbols correspond to the "Resource States" that are assigned (and used for statistics calculation) based on what the Server is actually doing. So, for example, when the entity has 'seized' the Server and is processing for the processing delay (or multiple processing tasks), the Server is in a 'Processing' state or Busy. When the entity leaves the Server, it is no longer processing (unless another entity has entered and in processing delay). Thus, the 9 resource states are also used for statistics calculation for the Server. You can change the symbol colors (or symbol itself) of those states by highlighting the Server, clicking on the Active Symbol button on the Symbols ribbon and selecting the appropriate symbol/value.

If you can let us know more about what information you are trying to gather or why you wish to have the Server remain green, we can perhaps point you in the right direction.

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As my major is Railway Engineering, I am trying to simulate the construction process of a railway station. I mean the construction of railway tracks in the station, not the station buildings.

For example: For simulating the construction process of a turnout, it needs three main things: machine, workforce, and material.

I have used the turnout as a server, and I have used 3 entities coming from 3 resources to the server (the turnout). As the entities arrived the server, it starts processing and its symbol will be changed to green box. I have assigned a turnout symbol for the processing step instead of the green box, and I need to keep this symbol during the whole simulation process as it represents the constructed turnout.

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