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Passengers take different values than those established in the function Random.Uniform


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Hi guys

I'm doing a model of and evacuation plan for an airplane with 749 passengers.

The passengers have to evacuate between the seconds I introduce in the table with the function random.uniform, in seconds and numbers between 0 and 5, that is the time a passenger needs to get up from their seats or walk to the door and jump the security slide.

The problem that I have is that I introduce in the table some Random Uniform values to passengers, they must move by the model in that time (between 0 and 5) but, for some reason, passengers aren't taking those numbers, instead they turn in numbers under 0,00.

That's a real problem because it's an airplane with 749 passengers evacuating in 5 seconds because of that, obviusly something impossible.

Could anyone help me please?


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