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How to input a production schedule and process batch and single unit in a simulation


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I’m currently working on a project for my senior design course, in which my team is going to simulate the finishing stages of the grinding operations for the pulp and paper industry. The company we are working with has given us all the data needed to re-create their currently facility layout and production rates for each machine.

The scope of the project is to model the current production system while simulating changes to the system in an effort to optimize throughput in a safer, more efficient, and more cost-effective manner. The simulation models will be used to compare different layouts while tracking changes in efficiency and output.

Parts arrive in batches, and each batch contains segments that when put together form a circle. This batches can go from 12-16 segments. Depending on customer orders the batches will go through different machining operations until sent to shipping. Therefore, we have created a production schedule from previous customer orders that backtrack to over a year worth of data. The production schedule shows the customer order, the diameter of the circles, number of segments and the machining procedures needed.


The table shows a sample on how the production schedule looks like (there 6 other columns containing other steps for each order). The problem we are currently facing is figuring out how to input the production schedule into Simio. We must treat each batch as discrete since they all vary in machining. The three-main operation are backing, facing and creep feed. Another issue we are encountering is that Creep Feed only machines one segments at a time in comparison to the other to main operation which can machine a full circle. Again, we don’t know how to tackle this problem.

If any of you could advise me into how to go about inputting the work schedule into Simio and how to go about machining a full circle and then by segments.

Thank you for taking the time to read.


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