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Problems with first Simio project: Canteen University Project


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I am trying to make a model in simio, showing how:

329 customers purchase either Cold-Food, Hot-Food, Cold-Drinks or Hot-Drinks, as shown in the attached simio-model.

However, I cannot figure out how to set the maximum quantity of our (Source or ModelEntity), to 329.

And in addition, how do I figure out to spread the customers in according to different meassurements of both Hot+Cold and Hot or Cold.

Hot Drinks: 3

Cold Drinks: 8

Hot Food: 163

Cold Food: 64

Cold Drinks + Hot Food: 45

Cold Food + Hot Drinks: 9

Hot Drinks + Hot Food: 22

Cold Drinks + Cold Food: 15

Na: 0

(Na) In example customers turned away.

If anyone has any ideas, or could help, it would be much appreciated :D


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Examine the attached file. In the model the customers are created according to the proportions of each customer group (i.e., the proportion of hotdrink customers will be 3/329 as you defined). You should note that max arrival property (under stopping condition section of source object) is set to 329. At the end of the simulation run the total number of hotdrink customers can be more or less than 3 due to the randomness. You had better run this simulation for more customers to get those proportions you mentioned. If I were you I run this model for 1 week or month etc. Each customer group follows their sequence accodingly. Sequences are defined in sequences table as well. Do not hesitate for more questions.


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Thank you, for the much needed help :D

As everything you uploaded in the model, is completely correct, I was now wondering if it was possible to make 10 people, out of everyone that buys hot food (hot-food or hot-food + something else), to be removed from queue.

So basically I want 10 people, out of 45+22+163, to go and realise that "there is no more hot food", to then leave the queue, because they could not get their meal of choice.


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I included a renege logic to hotfood server (see buffer section) and also an add on process at entered add-on of hot food. The renege logic will send the entities waiting at the queue of hotfood after customercapacityformeal state variable is exceeded to the reneged sink. also, add-on process will enable customer to be sent to to the reneged sink after they entered the input buffer of hotfood server.


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