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Facing difficulties with adding conditional routing in a sequence-based model


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I need help with my model regarding conditional routing. The intention with conditional routing for my model is that the entities keep choosing Server1 until the entities in queue exceed 3. Then they must choose Server2 until Server2 > 3.

However, I have made a sequence-based model and I don't know how to put the conditional routing as a part of their sequence route.

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Yeah, it is fairly important that it is sequence-based due to the fact that there are three different entities (created by probability) depending on what they order at the restaurant.

E.g. if cheeseburger menu has a 60% to be ordered. 60% probability to create an entity that follows each sequence/stations needed to create a cheeseburger menu unlike if the entity would be an icecream entity (20% probability) since this entity will skip most of the kitchen stations.


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you can use the same logic as in the simbit I suggested in previous post by using decide steps. Is.PartType==cheeseburger if it is true you can check the appropriate inputbuffer length else Is.PartType==icecream etc...

Still it sounds that you had better use task sequences. By this way you are able to define a task sequence for each customer type and you are able to cancel any task (in the sequence) by checking some predefined conditions for that particular task.

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