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Entire Model Schedule


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I would be glad if someone could help me with this:

I have a model that contains subclassed models. I would like to apply a Calendar Schedule for the entire model in order to make the simulation run just some days per year (except from holiday etc.) and I would like to define these days in the calendar. I saw that the Schedule is usually applied to workers or vehicles, in this case it should be applied to the model. Is it possible?

Thanks in advance

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Work Schedules can also be applied to other Fixed objects, such as Server, Combiner, Separator, as well as stationary resources. I suppose the question would be - how do you generate your entities (arrival table, time varying arrivals, interarrival rates, etc.) and what would you like to happen to entities when the 'model' is off shift -- do you stop creating entities/orders - what happens to in progress materials (do they clear out like a bank at end of day or stay in system like a mfg plant.

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