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Reliability Logic for Workers


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I've got multiple workers going to single server.

As the title implies, I'd like these workers to mimic the real-life behaviour of randomly going on leave for a random amount of time. Ideally I'm looking for something that's shown in vehicles or servers, but for workers. Does anyone here know an easy workaround for this? I did think about adding in a add-on process after the worker releases an entity with a counter, and after a certain count the worker is seized for a random amount of time.

I just thought there would be a better way. Another alternative would be creating a work schedule for each worker, but there's over 60, so that might take a while.

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A worker may be assigned a work schedule similar to that of a server or vehicle. I would just leverage the default logic by throwing the worker into an Off shift State. There are numerous options as to how assign a work schedule. From your problem description, a Table Based Schedule may be more optimally suited.

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