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How to choose between resource when there are conditions.


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Hello Team, 


   Question, on the simulation that I'm working.  I want to be able to choose the worker that could do the task. for example I have 4 stations where we perform welding and grinding. the Welder can do welding and grinding, but the grinders can only do grinding. 

 since I have 4 stations i'm using the process time as the welding time and the teardown as grinding time.  currently, I have as secondary resources the welders for setup and process and the grinders for teardown. I have 2 welders and 2 grinders. 


 I would like to be able to call either a welder or grinder to perform the grinding (teardown) task. because on most time both grinder are busy and I can use a welder to do the task. 


Thanks for your inputs. 




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First define an object list, then populate this list with the resource objects (or workers?). Order them accordinly (If you prefer grinder resource first one to utilize then the order should be grinder, welding. Then, under "secondary resources" category of server object expand "resource for processing" section and set "object type" as "select from list" and "object list name" property as "objectlist1". By this way the server object will try to seize grinder resource first. If it is not available it will try welding object.  

Still, If I were you I prefer to use task sequences option as dave suggested. 

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