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Reference Workstation Secondary Resources


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Hello, this is probably a trivial question but I've already read a lot of material and tried a lot of things but I've been unable to do what I need.

I have a Top Model which represents the general view of my facility, and a submodel consisting of a Workstation and some additional logic of combiners and separators. This submodel represents a machine that I want to instantiate in my Top Model multiple times.

Now, I'll need to assign an operator present in the Top Model to perform the setup and teardown steps in my Workstation. And so, I've tried to reference the Secondary Resources, so I can assign the operators in the top model. But referencing the secondary resources it does not seem to work since the top model does not get access to the subfields in the Secondary Resources (Object type, Object Name etc.). I've also tried to individually reference each subfield but this also does not seem to work, since the referenced subfields do not seem to be part of the Secondary Resources Repeat Group.

Which is the cleanest way to achieve want I want?

Thank you in advance,

Pedro Prates

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There is definitively a better way to approach this, yet it would require substantial changes to the existing top and sub model. A detailed understanding of table Schemas and repeat groups will set you on the right path.

As a quick work around, yo want an Object Reference property of Type Object placed within your submodel. In the main model, you need to place the name of the Secondary Resource which it may use. Send me your email in PM then we can do a quick screen share and I can show you if you dont come right.



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  • 2 months later...

I know this is a bit after the fact. But I would really like to know what connection that you were missing regarding repeating groups especially with regards to Workstations and Secondary Resources. I would like to be able to reference a Workstation's Selection Condition in an Add-On process so that it can seize the same type of resource, but I cannot seem to get the syntax correct. The same logic works fine for Servers and Combiners.

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