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Separator does not seem to be splitting correctly


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I currently have  a model as follows. I have a separator, and I want to divide entities that enter through it evenly across the 2 nodes. So half of the entities go out from the parent node and half go out of the member node. Currently right now, I did not manage to do it for the separator, even when I tried all possible methods in SIMIO for splitting the batch itself. How may I go about the problem? 

Thank you! 

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If you have a batched entity (through Batch step or Combiner object), there is only one parent entity and the rest member entities. Thus, one entity exits the parent node, the others exit the member node.

If the Separator instead did a Make Copies instead of the Split Batch, you still have the original parent entity (incoming entity) and the member entities (copies). 

If you need to split the entities in different directions, you should look at having both of those nodes connected to a single node where you then make the decision to go in two different directions.

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