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I'm very new to Simio.

I'm trying to figure out the impact on maintenance schedule/work load.  I have excel file with 300 pieces of equipment and forecasted operating hours for the next 5 years by month.    The operating hours varies from month to month.   As the item gains time, there are different maintenance action that takes place, up to 5 different maintenance actions.   The next problem is over the 5 years the number of equipment will double.

How do I read the excel file?  Each row is piece of equipment, the columns are projected hours of operation for that month.

How do I store operating time for each piece of equipment?



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Yes, I saw the simbits, it wasn't helpful.  I have 2 excel worksheet, one list 100 parts, another showing utilization of 50 vechicles for the next 120 months (life span of the vehicle).   Each vehicle will have those 100 parts that requires some type of maintenance.  Every so often maintenance must be performed based upon the frequency of those parts. 

How do you traverse the vechicle page both vertially hand horizontally.  Plus I need to count up how many parts will be required (with cost) for given year and life span of the vehicle.   


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Yes, I saw the simbits, it wasn't helpful.  I have 2 excel worksheet, one list 100 parts, another showing utilization of 50 vechicles for the next 120 months (life span of the vehicle).   Each vehicle will have those 100 parts that requires some type of maintenance.  Every so often maintenance must be performed based upon the frequency of those parts. 

How do you traverse the vechicle page both vertially hand horizontally.  Plus I need to count up how many parts will be required (with cost) for given year and life span of the vehicle.   If i can't get Simio to work, I'll write code.

Attached is an example of the data file.

Parts vs 1.xlsx

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