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Tagging or a Unique Identification Method, for Passengers of Two Buses.


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I want to simulate a touring group utilizing 2 different buses to the same destiny, concurrently there are multi-types of model entities with a unique percentage distribution;  "Adult, Teen and Senior", passengers. 
Finally, at arrival, both groups unloaded from their buses at the same time.
My Question is:
How I can to batch each group in a separate assembling area, so then they would follow a different group routing? I studied the "Combiner Node" example in the SimBit, can I do it without parent priority logic? 

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Based on your description, you could add a new State variable to the ModelEntity. This state could then be used to group into their separate buses. See the SimBit named 'LogicBasedOnEntityState' for more information on adding a state variable to the entity. I'm not sure the entities need to be batched, but could be sent in different directions based on their new state variable (BusNumber, as an example, assigned to  1 or 2). If they go on a completely different 'routing', the ModelEntity.BusNumber could then be used in a Decide step within a process that would assign a sequence table to each - using a SetRow step. See the 'ChooseAlternateSequence' SimBit for an example of using the SetRow step.

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Thanks, CWatson, I reviewed the 'LogicBasedOnEntityState', therefore, I only can flag one type of ModelEntity for each bus.

How I can specify multiple types of entities with the unique distribution; for example, the first bus; 0.3 Adults, 0.3 Teens and 0.4 Seniors, and the second bus 0.4 Adults, 0.2 Teens and 0.4 Seniors? May I link bus number with a table of entities profile, for instant? 

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