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Auto creating Entities

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Need some direction on creating mass load of entities. Attached is my file for version 10.174. Haven’t updated yet to 187. In the file I have two models: VIR_Workflow and CVOR.

I’m trying to recreate what I did in VIR_Workflow where I imported a table of all the entities. It would be daunting to creating hundreds of individual entities. I want to do the same thing with CVOR however, it did not load to create the entities itself as I thought is capable of doing. There’s over 5000 entities for this model. I have also attached the CVS files I used to import data. Please advise the best way to load in pre-sets of data to create the entities instead of doing it manually. Or if there's something simpler in doing what I want to do please share. I think I missed some kind of step. 


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First, do you really need 5000 different entity instances? What makes them differ from each other? In general, a better approach is to have one, or a few, entity instances, and perhaps add a state (or possibly a property) that indicates their difference from each other (like PartNum, Color, Part Family, Sequence Followed, ...).

But assuming you have a good reason for this approach, what you need to do is take advantage of the AutoCreateInstance feature as illustrated in the screen shot. While it is not required, in general when you automatically create instances, you also want to specify where they are displayed. So I added a XLocation column to your data file. When you import that data file, the entity instances are automatically created in your facility view.





CVOR Data Table.csv CVOR v2.spfx

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Thank you Dave. To answer your question. No, I don't need 5000 entity instances for this setup to get OR utilization. If I were to add the specific Surgical Procedure Type then the sampling will give me specifics. I can just replace the column. But this was an easy way for me that I knew to get the model working right with the sequence table. I'll go back to see about using one and calling it "Patient".

I have a question though about scheduling.

My time dates are only looking at surgical cases Monday through Thursday. The important factor is that the utilization should only measure between 730AM to 730PM. The work days is where I am getting different Utilization values depending on what I input. How am I to look at this properly. Is it that each day should follow this setup.



or am I doing this setup, which does seem right to me yet the values are more logical.



The utilization are drastically different.



Edited by michaelzimmer
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