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Worker with capacity >1

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I have a simple issue that I can't get solved. In my model several workers work on multiple servers. For one of these servers, I would like the capacity to be larger than 1, but only if the worker is seized. Now I know this is possible with resources, but how can I make this work with a worker?

Thanks in advance, kind regards,


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The worker, by requirement, has a capacity of 1. The initial number in system (population) of the worker can be set to greater than 1, meaning you will get a number of capacity 1 workers to be used independently. For example, if you have FirstShiftWorker, you can specify the Initial Number In System (under Population grouping of properties) to 'X', let's say '4'. You will then have a FirstShiftWorker[1], FirstShiftWorker[2], FirstShiftWorker[3] and FirstShiftWorker[4], each with independent statistics/ location/ tasks, etc. This worker can then be referenced in a Server with multiple capacity and each worker will be seized separately when required. 

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