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Time In System


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I have a network with one source and different sinks. I use add on process on the output of my source to choose the sinks based in the capacity. When I run the model, all created entities destroyed in the sinks correctly but in result part, "TimeInSystem" is equal zero. Due to add on process, is it happen?Should I calculate time in system with Tally?



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I  am using transfer step for the entities to the sink but there are different links and path between the source and sink. So, if I use transfer step in add on process, the entity transfer from source to sink directly. Then, the time in system cannot be computed. I want to determine the destination (sink) by using add on process after checking some criteria. Could you please help me about this problem? My goal is to choose the sink after checking some criteria and then send entities from source to that destination(sink) by using some path randomly.



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First, you should define a "NodeReferenceState" on ModelEntity. After finding the appropriate sink to send use "set node" step to assign the found sink's input node as the destination node of the entity (ModelEntity.NodeReferenceState=input@sinkx). Then, do not use transfer step. Instead, set the entity destination type property of source object as specific and also set node name property as ModelEntity.NodeReferenceState. By this way each entity will find its own way via the links you defined. 

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Thank you so much for your help.

In your sample, entities  choose the sink based on the sink's capacity. Which one has the lowest capacity entity is sent to that sink. In my problem, I put counter on each sink. All entities are sent to that sink until the desired value is obtained for that sink then entities go to the second sink, so on so forth. Could you please help about this problem?



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In the attached model, entities are dispatched according to some "Mysink" objects' inputbuffer entered cutoff values (predetermined values). I intentionally put these cutoff values values in the table to show how you can use state variables inside a table. Also, I intentionally place some steps seperately to increase understandability of the model. Due to having limited time I did not test the model. You can fine tune the model and develop it in a more compact manner. 

Time In System considering cutoff values.spfx

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Thank you so much for your help. Finally, I can understand your model but I have one more question. I define the state variable (StaNumberEntered) in Mysink but it is not appeared in Table.  Could you please help why this state variable is not recognized by my table?




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Hi Nadere, I assume that in "Data" tab you have defined a data table. Select "Data" tab. From "Schema" ribbon insert a "State" type data column from by selecting "Property" dropdown list. Now, you should be able to include "Sink.StaNumberEntered" state variable. Do not hesitate for asking more.


Edited by gocken
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Thank you so much for your help. I already did this one. In the attached model, I did everything that you did in your model by myself.  Again, I have problem with state variable "StaNumberEntered".The only thing is different with your model is that I consider network instead of free space because I want similar to my network.  

Thanks again,



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In fact everthing is ok except you did not placed the subclassed sink objects (mysink type objects) into the facility layout. Probably you forgot to drag them from the project library (at the left bottom window) to the facility layout. I attached the fixed version of the same file. Do not hesitate for asking more. 


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