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Run Length Reference Property Experiments

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I have a project where I would like to see snapshots of the output state of the system at specific time points.

For example I would like to see output reports at 12, 24, 36, 48 hours and so on.

Ideally I would like to set up experiments where I can observe, say 100 runs at each run length and saving capacity on my PC might be nice.

I was thinking I could set up a reference property for Run Length; however, it does not seem to have that option.

Is there a way to do something like this?  Thoughts would be appreciated!



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Let me see if I understood correctly. You want something like this?



Create a Timer Element and set its Time Offset to a referenced property:



Then create a process that ends the run (through the EndRun step) when the timer triggers:


Edited by GFurtado
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