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Source with rate table


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I have a source with a rate table, it is set to make an output of 100 entities every day. The problem is that the entities comes out one at a time trough that day, but they should all arrive together at the start of the day, so that the servers has the whole day to process them.

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Sry i said it should be 100 each day, that was just a mean which i dont want to use. 
I would like the rate table to make 100 day one, 98 day two and 102 day tree, and a mean cant be used, cause i need to model the reality in the process. 
And as mentioned before, should the source make all the entities from the table at ones (when the workday starts).

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Ok, in this case, I tried to solve it using a regular Data Table. Maybe not the prettiest solution, but check the attached model.

I used the TimeNow expression to check what day is it and assigned the Entities per Arrival property to that day's row of the data table.


Edited by GFurtado
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