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Process holding time and 'model entity does not match the model'


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Dear Simio employee,
I have two questions about 'getting' the average holding time for all the realisations of my subclassed vehicle. I want to know how long an entity is on a vehicle, on average. I tried it with two processes, but both don't work. I don't understand why the following doesn't work (process GemTijdOpAGV):
And I also don't understand why the process TijdContainerOpVoertuig doesn't work. I don't understand the error: 'Model Entity does not match the model', or something like that. I created two instances of de model entity, named 'container and pallet', but it seems like I can't use model entity in some processes and in others I can. Why is that and when can you use model entity and when not? (This is also true for instances of a vehicle.)
I have attached the model below, but it is still in progress.
I hope to hear from you soon!
With kind regards,

Haven_v1 project DS model met RS en dus intelligent MTS.spfx

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I would recommend looking into the notion of AssociatedObject, and ContextObject, for the Tokens moving through your processes. You can read more about this in the "Tokens" help topic. In some cases, the associated or context object is a ModelEntity so you can access it along with its data in your process steps. In some cases, though, ModelEntity is not associated with (or contextual to) the token executing the process! In this case there is an error if you try to use 'ModelEntity...' in your process.

One way to check the AssociatedObject and ContextObject is using a Notify step at the beginning of your process with Notification Type 'Warning', MessageHeading 'Token.AssociatedObject.Name' and MessageContent 'Token.ContextObject.Name'.

Happy modeling!


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