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12-hour Shifts with Lunch Breaks and Vehicle Transport


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Hi - 2 questions:

1. My model has people coming on shift, being transported to various locations, and then ending their shift at the sink near the source. However, I need them to get picked up and have ALL cycled through the lunch break server. Right now, out of the 35 people on shift, only 1 person got lunch, and only 6 people had their end of shift. How do I constrain the server to ensure the vehicle drops everyone at the lunch server and then the EndOfShift?

2. I would like to model 2, 12-hour shifts (each with the 35 people). I need all 35 to show up at the same time. This is my source Entity Arrival Logic. How do I change it to have two sets of 35 show 12 hours apart?



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Hi M_A,

1. This is one is a bit difficult to provide direction on without seeing how the rest of the model is structured. If all your processing times are deterministic and you are using a sequence table to route your entities, then you should be able to add the lunch break into the sequence. Similarly, make sure the sink is included at the end of all your entity sequences. Also, make sure the model run time is long enough to process all employees. That may be why they aren't showing up at the sink.

2. Change your interarrival time to 12 hours, and set your Maximum arrivals to 2.



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Hi Ryan,

Yes, there is a sequence table to route the entities and lunch is in the sequence. I'll look at the run time, or reduce other time to ensure there is enough time to get them through.

And, thank you for #2, that worked.

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