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Executing type error


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I am trying to use an assign step to assign a date/time state from a table to an entity. When I try to run the model, I get the following error:


"Referenced definition type 'PaxEntity' does not match Executing type 'Entrance'. Entrance in this case is a source object. What is this executing type it is talking about? Any ideas on how to fix this are also appreciated. 

Kind regards,


Airport Library.spfx

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Hi Jason, 

I recommend using a Notify step with the expression Token.AssociatedObject.Name prior to your Assign step. This will read out the associated object that is executing the process with your Assign step. It might be that the Entity is not the object executing that process. If your entity is not executing the process, you might want to find another process trigger or Search for the entity in the population. If its a process that could be triggered by an entity, or another object, say a Worker, you could start your process with a Decide step that filters out the non-ModelEntity objects. This could be as simple as checking 'Is.ModelEntity' with the Decide step. 

Happy modeling, 


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