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Source working as per the work schedule for server and worker


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Hi Guys,

 I have a source producing the entities, which is processed by the server with a worker.

server and worker are assigned to work schedule (7Hrs) (12am-7am)

arrival model of the server is set to time varying arrival rate. to control the source on holidays.

But with current scenario the source is producing the entities on off-shift time.

Please help out with a logic, so that source is produces the entities matching to the timings of work schedule.

Note: Simulation run is for a period of 1 year.





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Hi Alen,

I have attached a model with two different approaches to this question. 

1. RateTableApproach - the arrival data is stored within a Rate Table. Note: The Rate (events per hour) is influenced by offsets from when the model begins its run, not by the hour of the day. For example, a model begins its run at clock time 7:00:00, the first entry with a Starting Offset of Day 1, 00:00:00 and Ending Offset of Day 1, 01:00:00 would actually correspond to clock time 7:00:00-8:00:00 and not 00:00:00-01:00:00.

2. ProcessLogicApproach - the Arrival Mode is 'Interarrival Time' which is turned on and off via an Add-On Process. Note: You will need to set the Delay step up to correctly account for the clock time you wish to delay before turning on/off arrivals.


All the best,



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