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Error: A route could not be created between ‘TransferNode1’ and ‘TransferNode2. Either a route doesn’t exist or the routing service could not be contacted


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Hi guys,

It’s been a while that I am not able to link two nodes on ArcGIS World Street Map. The error is:

“A route could not be created between ‘TransferNode1’ and ‘TransferNode2. Either a route doesn’t exist or the routing service could not be contacted’.

I tried different locations, but got the same result. This is while there wasn’t any problem before and the quality of my internet connection is ok. I am wondering what the problem is!

Thanks in advance for the answers,


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In fact, even if I use just two simple nodes without any steps and other objects, it is not possible to create a street route on map, while it was possible until about a month ago. The features of my software are as follows:

Version: 12.205.20430 (64bit)

License Type: Academic RPS

Expiration: 2021 - 06- 30


Best regards,


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