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AssociatedStationOverload is always -infinity

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I am recreating the model 5.3 of the Simio and Simulation textbook. When I create the list and run the model, with selection expression in the output@placement node as below candidate.Node.AssociatedStationOverLoad, all entities goes only to finepinchfaststation. However, when I use Candidate.Node.AssociatedStationLoad it selects all desitnation loads. Is there any change to the Candidate.Node.AssociatedStationOverLoad? I displayed the values in the facility window and it is coming as -infinity.


Edited by Sreenath Chalil Madathil
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Yes, the buffer is set to 0 in the model distributed with the book.  The book verbiage mentions that using Infinity for buffers will cause a tie in the selection logic, but we need to add some additional discussion about the differences between using values of 0, 1, 2, etc. for the buffer capacities.

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