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Separator: How to send different entities to different destinations?


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Please excuse a naive question from a newbie. Building a simulation for material flows in selective mining. Entities, "low_grade" and "high_grade", supplied at different rates by two sources, both go into a server (the mining machine) which passes them to a separator. I want the high_grade entity to go to a processing subsystem, and the low_grade entity to go to backfill (or a waste dump). Do I presume correctly that I should use a Separator for this? If so, how do I set it up to send the two entity types to different destinations ? At present, all seem to be going to the same destination.

Instead of having different entities, could I use one entity type and assign grade values according to a probability distribution? If so, how would I then use a separator to send below-cutoff material to backfill?

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